Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Hop hop all the way home

It seems like my chances of starting the Bath Half is over with just 5 days to go. 

It was nice sunny evening and had plenty of time to jog gently round Gulper Rd before dusk, doing a shortend version of the Felixstowe Half marathon course (about 6 miles). I really looking forward to it after so much rain last week,  last real run before Sundays race and I did about 400m.  Pulled up with a cramp like feeling in the right calf - similar to the one I had in the left calf last July and caused me to have a couple of weeks off, bugger. 

Next morning the pain is still there when I walk (just as well I sit down most of the day) so unless there really are magical properties in the Bath water I shall be a spectator at the weekend.

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